
本課程適合想考 SAT、GRE、GMAT 的同學,以及想重溫中學數學重新打好數學計處的人。 本課程帶你從基礎知識中學習所有內容,然後在 90 多個測驗問題上測試你的了解程度

從這 5 小時的課程,你會學到

  • 數字和負數
  • 因數( factors )和倍數( multiples ),包括質數、最小公倍數和可分性(可除盡的)
  • 小數點(decimals ),包括無窮循環小數和舍入( 如四捨五入、無條件捨去)
  • 分數( fractions ),包括混合的數字和比率和比例
  • 指數( exponents ),包括負數和小數基數
  • 根號( radicals ),包括有理化分母
  • 科學記數法,包括乘法和除法,以及估計





這門123課程包含視訊影片和文字解釋,包括 45 個測驗(和解決方案!),以幫助你測試你的理解。“掌握數學的基礎知識”分為以下幾個部分:

  • 數字
  • 負數
  • 因數和倍數
  • 小數點
  • 分數
  • 混合數字
  • 比率和比例
  • 指數
  • 根號
  • 科學計數法



注釋:每節課的筆記部分是你可在此找到需要記住的最重要事項。這就像書籍的 CliffNotes (美國學生學習用的學習導覽手冊),這是給數學的。所有你需要知道以通過你的課程考試,全都包了。



“Wonderful course so far, great first step in refreshing my knowledge of math in preparation for college calculus come fall after 2 years off.” – Blake L.

“I swear I was math illiterate before, but no longer! Krista makes most things understandable, and if I don’t understand something the first time, I just replay it another time or two and I get it! You have NO idea what this means to me. While I may not be ready for more advanced math like algebra or calculus (yet), I feel just a tiny bit smarter. Thanks!” – Tracy B.

“This is a really awesome course that takes you step by step through each topic explaining all the pertinent rules and how they apply. Each quiz fortifies what you learned in the lectures as well as testing your knowledge of the material covered. This is a very well thought out course and I enjoyed it immensely!” – William O.

“The instructor is great, very good and easy to understand instructions.” – John C.

“After trying a few of the other Math Fundamental courses and a GED class just to brush up on math. This is by far the best class I have found. The instructor speaks in an easy and clear English voice. If you are looking to brush up on you math skill then this is the class you are looking for.” – Maxx Z.

“Voice is crisp, Blackboard is clear, knowledge and overall presentation are Excellent.” – Majid T.

“Taking this course as a refresher, I was as struck by Ms. King’s firm grasp of the fundamentals as I was by her engaging presentation. Too many math teachers breeze over key concepts which leaves many students puzzled and eventually lost. This course is exceptional in that each concept is thoroughly explained, with no steps skipped.” – Ben S.


  • 目前的高中學/初中學生,或即將開始上中學的學生都希望取得進展
  • 家庭學校的父母尋求基本面的額外支持
  • 任何已離開學校一段時間後但想學習數學的人


Krista King   Your geeky, 值得你信賴的數學講師


我去上課,花幾個小時的時間做家庭作業,三天後才出現一個 “Ah-ha!” 時刻 (恍然大悟),想到之前做過的某個問題,發現我可以原本只花一半的時間完成那一題。


所以我開始輔導,讓其他人擺脫那種令人厭煩的時間週期。 從那以後,我錄製了大量的視訊教學,並寫出了小抄風格的筆記和配方表,幫助每個要上數學課的學生 – 從基礎中學課程到高等院校微積分課程 – 弄清楚發生了什麼,了解重要概念,並成功通過這些課程,一勞永逸。


  • 想要了解如何將英文字幕自動翻譯成中文? 請參考這篇 How-To

課程網址   ♥找優惠折扣碼?

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